Consider Before You Quit Your Job

May 03, 2017

Today, many people complain about the difficulty of finding a job, so be grateful if you already have a job. As much as possible, keep and maintain that position. Remember, it's not easy to get it. But what if the job or company makes you uncomfortable? You must be anxious because it will also change your life. Do you still want to survive or decide to move your fortune? Check the symptoms below that indicate you should consider to switching jobs, Friends.

1. I Hate Monday

You feel dizzy, feelings uncertain and show symptoms of stress when realizing that tomorrow is Monday. Everything you had makes you not enjoy your weekend.

2.  Gloomy Future

The company you work for does not grow, even its performance tends to decrease? You can make this as your consideration to find a new job or not. To be sure, do not waste your future.

3. Feel Lazy to Work

Begin to feel uninspired, lazy and not enthusiastic about every task? Do not let that happen. Try to take 1 or 2 days leave to rest. If there is no change, consider looking for a new job.

4. Feel Unappreciated

You are dedicated and doing everything to the maximum, but your hard work does not get appreciation from the company, even not considered and underestimated? Are you sure you want to be disappointed only by staying in the company now?

If the 4 things above you can still tolerance and not make you feel waste your life, maybe you're just at the saturation point and need a new challenge. However, if the 4 things above is the reason you are grumpy and stressed out maybe it's time for you to move out and looking for a new job.

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